Frequently asked questions

To help you decide if becoming a member of the MD2MD community is the right thing for you we have addressed a lot of the main questions we think you may be asking but if there is anything we have not been able to answer then please contact us via the enquiry form and we will get back to you.

Who, what and why?

Do I have to be a Managing Director to join?
Will MD2MD be right for my specific needs?
Do you have any members in my sector?
What if I live and work outside the area?
What size organisation can join MD2MD?
I have an MBA. Is MD2MD relevant to me?
Do we have to commit to a lengthy contract?
Are you a networking organisation?
Is MD2MD Kaizen applied to leadership development?
Is MD2MD a training company?
What other types of meeting do you hold?
How does MD2MD compare to a Senior Management development programme at a business school?
How does MD2MD actually work?
How well established is MD2MD?
Why not just learn from experience?
Is MD2MD expensive?
How do I find the time?
What evidence exists that MD2MD is worthwhile?
How does MD2MD compare to competitors?