Business leader groups online and worldwide

As a member of MD2MD you get many opportunities to expedite your thinking as a leader

Through structured discussion and debate with fellow business leaders in small groups meeting regularly.

Groups nationwide and internationally online

The Coronavirus crisis, a period when business leaders face incredible challenges in navigating uncharted waters, has led to a rapid growth in our membership.

Whilst most of our members live and work in the UK, you will also join members who live outside the UK and run operations outside the UK such as Europe and South Africa. Many are in fact international leaders responsible for European and International operations.

Whilst our primary membership elements are online, we also offer in-person meetings at convenient central locations across England including London , Oxford, the South / East Midlands, and the North / West Midlands.

Meet members online or blend with meetings in person

Whilst you may join a group with members near you so you can meet in person though MD2MD or independently, our online membership also enables you to choose for different reasons. Like much of MD2MD it’s a mutual decision between you and your fellow members which we facilitate.

The only major limitation being that we have to ensure that when you attend meetings both you and your fellow members feel safe and able to talk openly in confidence about any challenge you face.

Whatever you choose you’ll find our private meetings are conducive to developing trusting relationships that enable constructively challenging yet supportive conversations.

Speaker led workshops available for you and your team

All membership types include places at our speaker led workshops and you can opt for places in these open events for your team too.

MD2MD members

Our members are operational business leaders ambitious to achieve even more business success by becoming even better leaders.

Find out more about our members

MD2MD membership

  • you meet your group privately for structured conversations about business challenges online and if you choose face to face.
  • you attend open workshops led by top professional speakers sharing best practice on a wide range of leadership topics.
  • you join our annual conference LeaderFest and our annual ‘Retreat to advance’.
More about membership

Forthcoming speaker workshops