Interviewee briefing note

LeaderFest is an annual event run by MD2MD annually since 2010, primarily for its members but open to other business leaders.  So targeted at the real, practical leaders of the mass of enterprises of 20-500 staff that are the core of UK plc.

LeaderFest aims to provoke and motivate them…. To raise their game… by learning with and from their peers in the audience and from the experienced and inspirational leaders we invite on stage to share insights from their own experience.

This page is a brief summary for invited interviewees from the perspective of the interviewee.

When and where?

LeaderFest 2023 will be on Tuesday 7th November in Oxford Town Hall.

Why interviews?

This is a interestingly different format for members who see top quality professional speakers every month. It also avoids the need for our guest interviewees, who are inevitably busy people, to prepare specifically for us. The professional interviewer is briefed to draw out key messages using the style of Parkinson not Paxman so it should be an enjoyable, interesting and valuable experience for everyone including you.

Why me?

We have invited you to be interviewed because you have significant experience and/or an interesting angle of business leadership today. Or in other words because we think you have something valuable to share and hearing from you will be interesting and hopefully entertaining for the business leaders in the audience. Click here to see a list of some our our past interviewees. You will be in good company!

What do you want me to say?

We’d like you to share clear, and probably provocative, views that will encourage our members to think about, and hopefully develop, their own leadership.

What’s in it for me?

Interviewees participate for a wide variety of reasons from raising their own profile to simply giving back to UK plc.  We do not expect that the sort of person we want on stage would be prepared to do this event for a fee we could afford. We do though know we need to make this a win:win:win for you as well as for MD2MD and the audience.  Examples of the benefits of being interviewed at LeaderFest are available here.

What’s MD2MD?

You can read a lot more about MD2MD here . In simple terms, MD2MD runs groups of about a dozen business leaders that meet about monthly to challenge, support, encourage and learn together.  LeaderFest is our annual event that complements our normal meetings by bringing all all groups together with fellow business leaders to achieve the same outcome using a process that works for a mini-conference.