LeaderFest is an annual event run by MD2MD annually since 2010, primarily for its members but open to other business leaders. So targeted at the real, practical leaders of the mass of enterprises of 20-500 staff that are the core of UK plc.
LeaderFest aims to provoke and motivate them…. To raise their game… by learning with and from their peers in the audience and from the experienced and inspirational leaders we invite on stage to share insights from their own experience.
This page provides examples of reasons for being interviewed at LeaderFest. For the full interviewee briefing note click here.
Guest interviewees participate for a wide variety of reasons from raising their own profile, through promoting a (business related) passion to simply giving back to UK plc. We do not expect that the sort of person we want on stage would be prepared to do this event for a fee we could afford. We do though know we need to make this a win:win:win for you as well as for MD2MD and the audience. As such we are open to ideas as to how we can support you to achieve whatever objectives you have – see the end of this page for some ideas.
Typical reasons for being interviewed include:
For fun and interest
This is intended to be a small and intimate conference with senior and constructively challenging business leader attendees. We hope you’ll enjoy the event yourself – you are welcome to stay for the whole day if you wish.
To influence society
Influencing the influencers is a highly leveraged way of influencing society. The people at LeaderFest are by definition people with influence. If you influence their thinking you’ll be influencing the lives of many more through them.
For profile
We hope the event will be quite visible and so this is a good opportunity to raise your profile if that is your wish. At least three people have gained Non Executive or advisory roles as a direct result of their participation in LeaderFest.
For commercial reasons
The audience is a high quality one, and it may be that you wish to raise their awareness of you and your business. A number of investment opportunities, director roles, coaching and mentoring relationships have resulted from previous events. Whilst it is a strict no-no to sell bluntly from the stage at this sort of event (and such approaches fail anyway) most experienced leaders understand how to create interest in a way that allows the audience to take the initiative!
For the relationships
The audience, by definition, are all decision makers themselves and consequently useful contacts.
For some other reason
If there are any constraints you need us to bear in mind or anything we can do to help you achieve your objectives, please ask and we’ll do our best to work with you. Examples of include:
- “I’m only available to do a slot from 1pm to 4pm”
- “I am willing to do an interview from 30 mins to 45 mins long”
- “I want to be able to spend 2 minutes asking people to volunteer for a charity I support”
- “I want to put leaflets on chairs about X”