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  • Finance and Operations
  • Sales and Marketing

Graham Jones

Graham is a psychologist who helps businesses understand the behaviour of their online customers so that companies can tap into this and increase their profits. He is an academic, working as a lecturer for the University of Buckingham and the Open University. Graham is the author of 29 books and is an award-winning writer. He regularly appears in the media commenting about the way people use the Internet.

Comments from members:

  • I thought it was very well presented. Simple, clear slides, very informative. The interaction of polls was good to see how common an opinion was (whether right or wrong). Examples of websites and what your first impression was compared to what they might actually being selling / trying to convey. I can’t think of any Even Better If. I took plenty away from the session and liked the way it was presented, the pace, the visuals. All good for me.
  •  Interesting to learn that content length is valued higher than shorter copy – provides food for thought!
  •  The delivery kept my interest all the way through. Feel I came away with new knowledge and how to use it.
  • Graham is a very engaging and informed speaker.
  • Overall an excellent session delivering some thought-provoking insights.
  • Really enjoyed the interactivity and the chat function to raise ideas – very well run.
  • Insightful and fascinating session.
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