How to break habits and curb cravings (workshop)

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 20th July 2022 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am

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Starting a new habit is one thing, but how do you stop doing the things that are slowing you down and getting in your way?

If you’ve ever tried to break a habit in the past only to slowly return to old patterns of behaviour, you’ll know how difficult it can be when you rely on willpower alone.

In recent years, significant steps have been made in our understanding of the psychology and neurobiology of habits, and this session will help you map the science onto your own world of experiences.


  • Why you can’t (and shouldn’t) just stop doing the thing you want to stop
  • The brain circuits that are controlling your automatic behaviour and how to rewire them
  • The link between motivation, habit, creativity and addiction and how to use this to your advantage
  • How to reduce cravings and desire for the old habit

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This event is led by

George Anderson

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