Retreat to Advance 2023

An opportunity for you to step back from the day to day to review your strategic plans for you and your business

9th & 10th March 2023

MD2MD Retreat to Advance
MD2MD venue Cumberland_Lodge

Cumberland Lodge - 9th & 10th March 2023

Cumberland Lodge is a 17th century former royal residence in Windsor Great Park and takes its name from William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and second son of King George II. The royal theme continues with nearby cottages including Frogmore Cottage (former residence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) and Adelaide Cottage (residence of the Prince and Princess of Wales). 

Since 1947 Cumberland Lodge has been home to an educational foundation and considered a popular choice for retreats. The building is not open to public viewing and therefore affords delegates the perfect environment for reflection, with a relaxed atmosphere, comfortable rooms and facilities and magnificent outdoor surroundings.



Location info:
Retreat event

What is the Retreat to Advance?

Our annual retreat to advance is an opportunity for you to step back and review your strategic plans for you personally and your business.

Events of this form are often referred to as a ‘Retreat’ as they are deliberately constructed to enable participants to retreat from their normal environment and address the bigger medium and long term picture. At MD2MD we also think it is important to consider it as an Advance. This captures the idea that whilst we might want to consider the past and present, the event should not be navel gazing for its own sake, but should be focused on how we can Advance towards the vision we have of the future.

Normal meetings: Tactics – Doing things right

This meeting  Strategy – Doing the right things

MD2MD venue Cumberland_Lodge

Strategise, re-energise, and re-invigorate your personal and career building activities.

This 36 hour event at a fantastic country house with beautiful grounds, is a chance to get away from the busy day to day life of running a business and make time to reflect on the bigger picture, revisit your strategic direction with a fresh perspective, set up goals and objectives to achieve your longer term ambitions. 

Your investment in time well spent will return you dividends as you move forward again with refreshed clarity and purpose.

Retreat attendee

The process

To help you get the most out of the two days, you are asked to invest time in advance of your attendance to prepare a draft presentation. In the presentation, you will be setting out your self assessment of where you are today and your ambitions, goals and plans. A guidance note for this will be provided when you book your place.

At the retreat you will get the chance to review your plans in confidence, initially through discussion with small groups of peers.

Then, on the final day, crosscheck your revised plans further with a larger group providing further observations and advice.


In order to be able to talk openly about personal and business goals and challenges all attendees are required to commit to keeping what they see and hear during the event totally confidential.

Why attend the event?

Last years retreat attendees tell us about what happens at the Retreat to Advance event and explain the value of the event to them personally.


Retreat to Advance

Booking details

The content of the event is included in your membership and is for business leaders only.
In order to get the ultimate benefit from the event the attendees are capped at 6, but we do operate a waiting list as well as running other retreats throughout the year.
The rate for your accommodation and meals is £405 + vat. As this is a discounted rate it is non refundable
All bedrooms are double/twin rooms for single occupancy
Meals include, lunch and three course dinner on the day one and breakfast and lunch on day two


Limited places - Book your place at the Retreat to Advance

Book here