Your strategy toolkit (Inperson meeting)
Maidenhead | Mon. 20th May 2024 | 1.50pm - 5.30pmIn-person speaker workshop
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Strategy is critical to successfully scaling and growing a business.
This event is specifically for operational business leaders looking to grow their business by being in the right place with the right products and services targeted at the right market at the right time. In other words, operational business leaders who understand the importance of making the right strategic decisions.
Where an operational business leader is one running an ‘adolescent’ business. A business beyond startup and below corporate, typically with 10 – 500 staff and where the buck stops with the attendee for growing revenues, making profits, managing cash and developing people, products and services.
Why attend?
By attending you will:
- Leave with a better understanding of what strategy is, why it matters and how it differs from purpose, vision, mission, business models, tactics and plans
- Take away a practical toolkit of over twenty different strategy tools and techniques developed over the last century and many more recently and used by the supposed experts in big businesses and consultancy to determine their strategy.
- Build confidence that you can identify the strategic planning tools that resonate with you as likely to work for you in their business today and then use them simplistically immediately or use the knowledge and references to follow up and read more.
What will be covered?
- What is your business? What is your strategy as you understand it today?
- What elements of your strategy are you unsure about?
- What do you want to get out of this workshop? (If there was one thing you could know or do at the end that you can’t now, what would it be?)
- Strategy, what it is, why it matters and how it fits with purpose, tactics and plans
Your strategic planning toolkit (Most of the workshop)
A fast runthrough of a large number of different strategic tools. Different ways to look at your business and your market to help you decide strategy. With references to source articles, books and experts to enable follow up learning where desired
- Assessing the business environment
- Understanding generic strategy options
- Considering and modelling options
- Choosing the business model
- Developing tactics to achieve the strategy
- Managing the strategy over the business cycle
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