M&A and exits session 2

location iconOnline | location icon Tue. 22nd November 2022 | Time icon 9:00am-10:30am
location icon Special interest group

Upcoming events

Season 2

This is a confidential peer board dedicated to challenges around Mergers & Acquisitions and Exits. Whether you have specific challenges, or have been through it yourself and have some wisdom to impart, we would love you to join us.

Meeting facilitators:

Dominic Marlow

Dominic Marlow

Dominic is an experienced advisor to small businesses. Having handled numerous M&A transactions and advised owners on related matters, he has a very firm grasp of the emotions, trials and tribulations involved in running/developing businesses. He also has an uncanny ability of exposing issues and solutions quickly.

Bob Bradley

Bob Bradley Founder of MD2MD

Bob is a specialist in running high value added service businesses, having run five such businesses as General Manager, Managing Director or Chief Executive. his last employed role was as Chief Executive of a £16M, 200 person family owned business having previously been Chief Executive of an AIM listed company for which he raised £5M funding and which he grew from £4M to £12M in three years through two acquisitions and organic growth and a corporate PLC subsidiary where he was Managing Director responsible for delivering £10M profit on £45M turnover through 450 staff. Bob provides entrepreneurial business leaders with mentoring and coaching around business leadership, business growth, merger integration and exit planning.

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This event is led by multiple speakers