Speaking for MD2MD

We love finding great speakers to put in front of our members

To read all about speaking for MD2MD, including the details how we work with speakers to maximise the value created for speakers, our members and ourselves, please ensure you download and review our full speaker handbook by clicking below. It contains all the policies, processes and commercials we have put together over the years to ensure everyone: you, our members and ourselves are delighted by the experience.

Speaking with MD2MD – In brief

If you are speaking, or wish to speak, for MD2MD please read the full handbook above and ensure you understand exactly how we work and the commercial policy, process and terms we work with.  For a few top tips to ensure your session for us (or for others with a similar audience) is the very best it can possibly be, based upon us running a hundreds of speaker workshops in person and online since 2004 and 2020 respectively, please click below.

What speakers say about working with MD2MD

“Crikey — that is the fastest I have ever been paid.  Even more reason why I like doing business with you … and can’t wait to see the feedback when it’s collated. One of the attendees has already been in touch asking for a bit of help with a project  — so it’s all going according to plan — I’m so pleased you put your faith in me, and it seems to be working out for us both.”