Speaker Category
- Finance and Operations
- Leadership and Management
Tremaine du Preez
Tremaine du Preez is a decision scientist and thought leader on a mission to spread the art and science of good decision making. She is a researcher, global faculty member of Duke Corporate Education (a carve-out from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business) and consultant to the private and public sector on organisational decision making.
Since 2008 she has worked across Asia, Africa and Europe diagnosing decision-making difficulties and building decision-making strategies for individuals and teams in multinational organisations. She speaks on behavioural finance, decision science and ethical decision making to audiences worldwide. Tremaine has recently completed her doctorate in ethical decision making in the biopharma sector.
She is the author and co-author of 5 books and founder of DECIDE: A Decision-Making Consultancy: www.decideconsultancy.com
Comments from members:
- Loved the practical sessions – really embedded the learning.
- The speaker delivered in such a way that made me really “think”. She was extremely engaging and delivered in such a way that was easy to digest.
- She reiterate the key points and required us to participate.
- Gave me a process to ensure good quality decision making.
- She worked through a complex subject step by step.
- Good examples and exercises, very interesting topic.
- I liked the Muslim bias example.
- It was a great presentation with great ideas.
- Provided me with a process to switch my mind from a sequential problem solving made to an analytical considered approach. I really enjoyed this subject and the speaker tackled everything from a scientific and researched point of view.
- Kept it upbeat and extremely interesting, I have applied the tips to my home life also.
- Literally got me thinking about the thought process and how this could be positively impacted.
- Made me apply some of the principles to my previous real life experiences.
- It challenged my thinking, Tremaine’s content is the bit between “old dog” and “new tricks”.
- Helped me believe stress is not bad for me.
- Explained well and allowed me to consider how the elements apply to my own situations.
- Helped me build my own mental decision making structure.
- Explained the process with relevant examples to aid context and learning.
- It questioned whether I give enough consideration to decisions.
- Understanding the concept of anchoring and how it influences decision making.
- Introduced new concepts and terminology, it was really well presented with lots of interaction.
- Tremaine used great real life examples to illustrate the theory.
- Good visual aids, knowledgeable and passionate about the subject
- Great presentation style combined with good information and good use of presentation tools.
- An engaging and snappy workshop, with plenty of food for thought.
- Thought provoking, insightful and practical. Some clear takeaways that can be applied instantly.
- The presentation content and pace was excellent (again). The style is very polished and ranks among the very best speakers I have seen. No suggestions for improvement other than having to wait for the third session!
- Tremaine is an excellent presenter – there was good content, pitched at a digestible level of detail (is not much), and very clearly and engagingly communicated. I joined this workshop as I have concerns about our decision-making culture and processes and today provided stimulating insights and enough to stimulate further thought, research and action.
- Clear presentation, good pace, right level of interaction.
- The subject was very relevant for us and the Tremaine put the message across in a clear way. Not sure that it could be any better.
- The content and delivery was first class. Exactly how to deliver online learning (in my view) with new content and ideas, and ensure participation and high levels of engagement. Excellent.
Recent Events
- Wed. 22nd March 2017 - The science of choosing wisely
- Wed. 24th February 2021 - The science of decision making, Navigating tough choices and dangerous dilemmas and Decision coaching for leaders
- Wed. 28th April 2021 - The science of decision making, Navigating tough choices and dangerous dilemmas and Decision coaching for leaders – FULL
- Wed. 26th May 2021 - The science of decision making, Navigating tough choices and dangerous dilemmas and Decision coaching for leaders – FULL