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  • Finance and Operations
  • Leadership and Management

Steve Simpson

Great corporate cultures enable business goals to be achieved and fuel employee engagement. Great corporate cultures create a measurable point of difference in terms of individual and organisational performance. Importantly, great corporate cultures can’t be copied.

But they don’t just happen by chance.

Steve Simpson has been invited to speak at conferences around the world for his truly unique insights into workplace cultures and how to unleash the potential that lies within.

Whether it’s creating a culture to deliver great service, helping leaders understand their role in shaping the culture, helping teams perform better, equipping people to revel in change initiatives, or getting people to take safety seriously, Steve reveals how his concept of UGRs – unwritten ground rules – can be used to effect lasting, positive change.

Steve’s insights are not based on theory. In addition to his conference presentations, he has worked in-house with a range of organisations on different continents over extended periods of time. He knows the pitfalls, traps, objections and issues that emerge when people are challenged to re-think the ‘way we do things around here’.

Steve is the author of two books including ‘UGRs: Cracking the Corporate Culture Code’. He is the co-author of a further three books, the latest being ‘A Culture Turned’. He has a Masters Degree from the University of Alberta, and was invited to undertake an Australian city lecture tour to co-present with Harvard University Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter.

Steve has worked with organisations in countries including the UK, the US, the UAE, South Africa and various Asian countries.

Professional Speakers Australia recently recognised Steve’s achievements by awarding him the prestigious Australian Educator of the Year Award.

Comments from members:

  • Good slides, good builds, well spoken and obviously founded on vast experience
  • Relevance for our business and the importance of having the right distribution strategy
  • Liked the interaction and examples used by Steve
  • Interesting insight into Steve’s thoughts on the further you are away from the customer the less in touch you are with reality
  • I liked the slide showing the margin evolution through the various stages. Very useful.
  • Good efficient covering of the ground. 
  • Got me thinking about culture in a totally different way – the first time that someone had explained it is a way which was instantaneously easy to grasp
  • It was very inspirational
  • Well delivered workshop, the hand out information reaffirmed the discussions of the workshop
  •  Well paced- good ideas- engaging presentation
  • Very engaging. I liked the balance of interactivity vs presentation
  •  I thought there was a good balance of speaking and slides. Steve handled questions and breaks to give some interaction well
  • It was great to be shown the idea of UGR’s and how they may affect aspects of the workplace. It was very helpful to see how to make sure these UGR’s are seen as a good thing and match with what the business says it’s culture is.
  •  The 4-minute break-out between members was really valuable as it allowed us to discuss what we had learned so far
  • Steve was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the topic and presented well
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