Anthony Stears
Anthony Stears is better known as “The Telephone Assassin” and he’s on a mission to get businesses talking again and stop people from hiding behind their emails and social media. Helping clients to get in front of more of their ideal customers and getting more business from their existing customers. Working with business owners, sales departments, account managers and customer service team Anthony can give you a clear structure to follow, ways to stay motivated when making calls, instils the importance of prospect management, techniques for closing more appointments, and “the art” of a perfect follow up call. Enabling you to take control of your conversations and giving you the ability to make each call count. Engaging customers and prospects in the right way brings huge value to both parties. Helping business to find more opportunities and converting more enquires in to sales. Anthony doesn’t teach people how to sell, but simply shows them how to help their customers to buy.
Comments from Members:
- Anthony made me think about the sales process and explained the point scoring system.
- He tried to adapt techniques for different types of businesses.
- Really great tips. Structure worked well with the overview and then using everyone’s calls as examples made the tips really clear.
- 5 key points raised were very helpful. And I feel will help in multiple areas, not just phone calls. Particularly prep before a conversation.
- It was a really good session and even though time was against us everyone was given the opportunity with follow ups to make the day a success.