In person meetings are included as a part of the leadership team (blended) membership. The meeting is a culmination of both the leadership challenge boards and speaker workshops, wrapped up together in an all-day, face to face event. The speaker workshop in the morning is open to members of your immediate leadership team while the challenge boards remain confidential to the leadership role only.
As the event is run across a full day and accommodation is available on-site the in person meetings are suitable for our international members who would like to take up the Leadership team (blended) membership option.
The main day
The day provides the greater intimacy of in-person meetings and widens the range of peers you can connect with. Face to face group meetings combine an in person professional speaker-led workshop of three hours, twice as long as online and an in person peer challenge board workshop, again for three hours. The day includes lunch and coffee breaks, offering a great chance for informal discussion to complement the formal sessions.
Members are also encouraged to bring along to the speaker-led workshop two of their immediate team so they share the insights and can carry forward any resulting initiatives.
An additional networking opportunity
We offer the opportunity for members to arrive the afternoon before, if they would like to get together to play a round of golf or arrive in the evening, in time to meet up for an informal dinner.
Get your leadership team involved
Each member of the leadership team (blended) package is invited to bring two of their immediate leadership team to the morning speaker workshop.
To book places at the event for you and your team please get in touch via email: or phone 01865 582 532
Golf or spa
Why not arrive the day before the meeting and enjoy a round of golf or make use of the spa facilities. A great way to unwind and get to know the other blended members.
A chance to have informal discussions with other blended members, increasing your network and strengthening your bond with the MD2MD community.
Speaker workshop
An interactive, in depth workshop run across a full morning incorporating all the blended members is designed to provoke new thinking and motivate action. With a range of topics that will leave you with valuable actions for yourself and your senior team.
Leadership challenge board
This afternoon session splits members into splinter groups for a strictly confidential opportunity to discuss leadership challenges with your peers. As the members are segmented into different groups each meeting, you get the benefit of the full breadth and diversity of the MD2MD community.
The quarterly in person events will now take place at a country hotel location an hour north of London.
The format of the event includes an optional opportunity for members to arrive after the lunch the day before, for a round of golf or to use the spa facilities, followed by social private dining and a comfortable night’s sleep.
The following morning, members can then welcome their team to join the morning speaker session and lunch, before breaking into groups for the afternoon’s confidential leadership challenge board.