What’s the value of a Platypus?

In his last workshop, How to price your platypus, David covered the psychology behind how we make pricing decisions, and how when you understand that you can get a higher price for your product or service. But first, you need a price.
David will run through the background to the tool. He’ll also show two examples of real clients that have gone through the process, used the tool and the difference it is making to their prices (and, indeed, what products/services they provide).
Then, we will collectively use the tool on a volunteer company so everyone can see how it is applied.
What will be covered?
In this session, David will introduce members of MD2MD to:
- the tool which he uses to understand the value you deliver
- how to use that tool to assess the price you can charge
- how the tool also gives you insights into what your core messages should be for your customers.
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