There is no business, like show business….

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 27th January 2021 | Time icon 8:30am-10:00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

In 2020 our World changed dramatically. How do you and your people perform virtually using Video Conferencing?  Technology alone does not guarantee tangible results that are sustainable.

Flame Proof, a unique Business Acting Consultancy will in this session help MD2MD members professionalise the virtual and physical experience.

Scene Setter…. Why we need to professionalise how we perform virtually.
Methodology: An outline on how we successfully blend acting skills and business techniques to achieve REALISM.


  • Home Set – are you using the home stage to give the right performance?
  • Character – How to adapt your style to engage, negotiate and influence….and BE a better version of You virtually to win Hearts and Minds!

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This event is led by multiple speakers