The Inclusive Leader’s Journey: Creating a Positive, Inclusive Workplace Culture for Business Leaders

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 26th July 2023 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am

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In this interactive 90-minute virtual workshop, participants will explore practical strategies to foster an inclusive workplace culture. Senior business leaders will learn how to overcome common challenges in implementing diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives, the principles of conscious inclusion, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and Cultural Intelligence (CQ). By participating in breakout exercises integrated within the content sessions, delegates will engage in hands-on activities to reinforce their learning and apply their newfound knowledge to real-life situations.

What will be covered?

  1. Overcoming the Fear of Getting It Wrong  & Breakout Exercise 1
  2. Knowing Where to Start with D&I
  3. Conscious Inclusion, EQ, and CQ (15 minutes) & Breakout Exercise 2
  4. Positive People Experiences
  5. Open discussion for delegates to challenge, share thoughts, or seek advice on their specific challenges

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This event is led by

Joanne Lockwood

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