The connected client

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 20th October 2021 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am

The face of sales has changed forever, and although we know that the online customer is willing to spend, we are at the same time faced with clients that are more disengaged through the constant cycle of online meetings, and the digital overload that is now a reality in most, if not all of MD2MD members’ day to day lives.

As a Managing Director, you are likely currently facing the challenge of a client that is plugged in digitally, but checked out mentally. It is imperative that you discover how to engage your clients effectively at every stage of the buying process using the digital meeting platforms available to you.

In this session you will learn how to host a professional online client engagement as successfully, if not more so than in an in-person meeting and discover the 8 ways to elevate and level up your online engagements. You will find useful and practical information on how to prepare for the meeting, overcoming any challenges that you may experience, and how to ensure that your online engagements run smoothly to assist you to deliver a world class online meeting.

Shelley will also discuss the key trends revealing the world of the future of selling and teach you some top tips to improving participation and engagement with groups of people for larger online meetings. You’ll learn how to overcome the obstacles of maintaining attention online and what the best outcomes of paying attention online are, for both yourself and your clients.

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This event is led by

Shelley Walters

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