Seven strategies for success in 2023
Online | Wed. 25th January 2023 | 9.30am - 11.00amSpeaker led workshop online
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Most of us are familiar with the following quote:
“Without a strategy, your execution is aimless and without execution, your strategy is useless”.
I have been coaching and consulting now for more than 25 years and started and owned just on 22 businesses and in all my experience I must say that less than 30% of businesses out there have a growth strategy in place (even if it is just some notes on scribbled down on a napkin) and what is even more shocking is that less than 3% of those who do have some form of strategy, execute on that strategy.
I must say without exception every coaching intervention we undertake starts with a strategic plan. There are four elements in building a solid, executable strategy in your business. We use these elements to help build your “Seven Strategies to Success”.
This is our signature coaching intervention and we have helped many businesses across all of our franchises take what is normally considered a very complex and difficult process and turn it into a practical and effective strategy.
During my session with you I am going to share the elements of strategy and show you how to build or assess your business growth strategy.
Why attend?
What will be covered?
- The four Elements of a strategic plan.
- The Seven Strategies to Success in every business.
- Time for interaction and Q & A
- You will be able to assess you current growth strategy
- Have an idea on how to design and build your future growth strategy
- Have a plan to implement and manage your new growth strategy
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