Planning the unplannable

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 6th September 2023 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am
location icon Sponsored speaker briefing

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An interactive session speaking from the experience of having interacted with hundreds of business owners, during good times and bad.

As business leaders we take the ultimate responsibility for the success – and failure – under our control.  There will almost certainly be legal obligations as a Director, or at least to fulfil our role expectations according to our service contract.

Closer to home we have our “personal” stakeholders, those who we are close to and the business replies upon, and of course family members, none of whom we want to let down or cause avoidable distress to.

From the experience of going through this exercise hundreds of times, for proactive planning and distressed situations, we’ll look at lots of scenarios and discuss what could and indeed should be done to mitigate this risk.



Why attend?

What will be covered?

In this session we will cover:

What you can – and can’t – reasonably plan for

What you should, but probably don’t plan for

The most common, but entirely foreseeable events that derail businesses and their stakeholders

What can be done to mitigate risks



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This event is led by

Dominic Marlow

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