Pick Fights! How to make your business stand out in a crowded marketplace and set yourself apart from your competition

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 20th October 2021 | Time icon 4:00pm-5:30pm

In this highly entertaining and thought provoking workshop, Mark Blackmore explores some of the key themes in his #1 Amazon Bestseller, Marketing Renegade, and gives MD2MD members the tools to differentiate their businesses and find a voice worth listening to.

Most businesses sell similar stuff, which makes standing out from the crowd really difficult from a sales and marketing perspective. Picking a ‘fight’ means identifying something that people already dislike, creating a cause that someone can believe in, and making a stand against it. Tapping into a motivation that already exists is much easier, and more cost effective, than trying to create momentum from nothing. It gives you a point of differentiation and helps you connect emotionally to customers.


  • How to choose a ‘dictator’ and create a cause people can believe in
  • How to tap into an emotion that already exists and create a voice worth listening to
  • How to market your message and get noticed
  • How to increase the effectiveness of your lead generation campaign without increasing the cost
  • How to turn strangers into customers, at scale

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This event is led by

Mark Blackmore

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