Mastery of time: Boost your productivity without increasing your workload

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 19th June 2024 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

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Most of us already know that in order to get stuff done and deliver on our aspirations (whilst retaining our sanity and health) we need to break our goals into smaller, actionable chunks, we need to learn to say “NO” from time to time and we need to delegate the stuff we don’t like doing (and which our team could do for us).

But for all that we know about productivity, the temptation to avoid checking emails at 10pm is difficult to ignore, our phones never stop pinging and those scrolling fingers are a repetitive strain injuries just waiting to happen.

And for all that we know about productivity, misunderstanding still persists about key aspects of time management, such as; multi-tasking, habits being formed in 21 days, creating our best work when we’ve left it to the last minute and whether the pomodoro technique is a game changing time management trick, or best left as an Italian word to describe tomatoes!

This keynote talk is for busy people who want to make the most of their time, get more done and develop clear boundaries which safeguard their wellbeing, so they can deliver on their responsibilities and goals, but without burning out.




What will be covered?

You will learn, how to:

  • Tackle procrastination, by understanding it: the many common causes, your relationship with procrastination and crucially, how to unravel it.
  • Eliminate the most common time drains, so you can truly make the most of the time available to you, without beating yourself up.
  • Create effective systems which help you to stay on track with the important things when it’s all kicking off, and which also help you to make the very most of those quieter days when they occasionally occur.
  • Master your boundaries, so you know how to set them and how to adhere to them.
    … and as a bonus extra – we’ll bust some of those misunderstandings once and for all.

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This event is led by

Andrew Pain

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