Making Your Marketing More Effective – A Framework for Success

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 17th January 2024 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

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Are you:

• underwhelmed with the results that your marketing achieves?
• unconvinced of the key drivers to having an effective marketing function?
• hesitant of the relationship between sales, marketing, social media & your brand, and how it all pieces together to positively grow your business?

In this workshop, we will demystify marketing.   Attendees will understand the inputs that produce an effective marketing function, how it pieces together, and how all the parts contribute to business success.


In this session we will explore:

• the difference between marketing and sales

• how your website, social media and digital platforms fit in the marketing mix

• the importance of brand

• lead generation activity and how that forms part of the marketing machine

• the balance between long term and short-term communication and why it matters


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This event is led by

Grant Leboff

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