Leading with a Futurist Mindset (workshop)

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 22nd June 2022 | Time icon 09:30am-11:00am

This session is designed to help leaders develop a futurist mindset as a means of future proofing their organisation and driving growth in a fast changing world. It builds upon the webinar on the same topic (May 2022).

How can we address the triple challenge of escalating global tensions, market disruption, and economic uncertainty?

Increasingly, leaders are recognising that leading from the front is no longer enough – we need to lead from the future.  This means bringing a futurist mindset to bear in everything from strategy development to product innovation and decision making. 

An exploration of the key drivers of change will be used to highlight the types of ‘future factors’ that leaders need to be paying attention to. We will then explore what it means to be a futurist leader in practice, assess where we stand on that journey, set out the steps to getting there, look at how to embed a future focus in business decision making, discuss how to build future focused talent, and look at overcome cultural and organisational challenges on the journey to future proofing the business. 


  • Know how to identify and assess critical future factors 
  • Have a clear framework for translating future insights into opportunities, risks, strategies, and product plans 
  • Assess our own capability and readiness to lead with a futurist mindset
  • Develop future focused talent across the business
  • Extend futurist thinking and approaches across the leadership and into all critical decision making and planning.

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This event is led by

Rohit Talwar

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