Keeping and attracting staff: Why your workplace culture has never been more important and what you can do about it

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 2nd November 2022 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

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There is a global and unprecedented issue right now that sees most organisations struggling to retain and attract staff. Leaders are grappling with how to deal with this, with many organisations resorting to competing on money – staff are being poached by competitors offering, in some cases substantially higher pay and incentive deals. This is a dangerous game to play.

What many leaders fail to realise is that this issue can be addressed by creating a dynamic, positive, productive culture that not only retains people but becomes a magnet attracting prospective talent.

What will be covered?

  • Look at what some companies are doing to keep and attract staff – and why so many have it wrong
  • Demonstrate why workplace cultures have never been so important
  • Provide insights in the steps leaders need to take to create a workplace culture that differentiates the organisation from competitors
  • Share examples of what some companies have done to transform their cultures

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This event is led by

Steve Simpson

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