Interview with Christine Nicholson

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 12th June 2024 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am
location icon Special interest group

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This session with be an interview, question and answers with Christine Nicholson.


About Christine

Christine is a multi-award-winning Business Mentor, speaker and author.  She has authored 4 business books and is a regular keynote speaker on Succession and Exit Planning.  As a businesswoman who has built multi-million turnover businesses over the last 30 years, she has worked with many business owners in all sectors including taking one from bankruptcy to 8-figure exit in 18 months.  Her latest book, SELL IT, helps business owners get their business and themselves ready for the hardest part of the entrepreneur journey, leaving their business in the hands of others. 

All this from an uninspiring start.  She left school at 16 with 5 scrappy O’levels and little expectation of a career in anything meaningful.  Through sheer perspiration and persistence, she got her first job in banking.  Quickly realising that this was not where she wanted to be, she joined the Women’s Royal Naval Service at 19 for adventure and discovered ambition.   

She was on the way to a rapid rise through the ranks when the land-based service was disbanded and women started serving at sea – not great career planning for someone who suffers from chronic seasickness.  Plan B had to kick in and with more persistence and sheer force of will, Christine qualified as an accountant by going to night school for 4 years while working full time.  Once qualified she found great mentors and gained exceptional experience.   

4 years after qualifying and helping a family-owned business sell their many interests, Christine founded her first proper business, quickly followed by the second.  Timing is everything and after multiple business sales she had the opportunity to work in the Middle East where she has spent a few years accidentally running a zoo!   

On return to the UK, she found herself homeless, jobless, penniless and single.  Left with no choice but to “get on with it”, she connected with her calling – Exit and Succession Planning and has built her business operations in this area over the last 10 years. 

Based between London and Oxford, UK, she’s lived and worked in 10 countries and exited dozens of businesses generating hundreds of millions in shareholder value.  She’s an entertaining storyteller (with a roller coaster of a life so far), enjoying adventure hiking and gardening. 


Phone:  0333 567 8011 







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