Inside a business sale: real-life perspectives (Sponsored Speaker Briefing)

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 21st September 2022 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am

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Ever wanted to know what it really feels like to sell a company? Join two entrepreneurs who have built and sold businesses as they lift the lid on their experiences, and offer advice, insights and tips for those considering their next steps.

David Jonas – who received Private Equity investment for his food sector business Vegetarian Express – and Jonathan Barker, who sold his retail chain The WatchLab to the owners of Goldsmiths, were both advised on their transactions by corporate finance advisor BCMS.


In this fascinating 90-min online conversation, we’ll explore the key themes and challenges in every business sale, giving you clear, actionable advice on how to best approach a potential company sale. BCMS CEO Jonathan Dunn, a vastly experienced M&A practitioner, will also be on hand to discuss essential corporate finance topics from valuation techniques to advance preparation and the importance of creating buyer competition for your business.

An informal, jargon-free discussion, this session will be essential viewing for anyone exploring their succession planning and exit strategies for 2023 and beyond.

Jonathan Barker

David Jonas

Jonathan Dunn



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