#IAM10 How to Build High Performance Habits in a Post Coronavirus World.

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 17th June 2020 | Time icon 8:30am-10:00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

Gavin’s words:

The Coronavirus has hit many business and leaders hard leaving even the most confident fire-fighting, questioning and re-questioning every decision. With markets in freefall, supply chains decimated, sales channels closed down and staff furloughed, many leaders went from belief and certainty to doubt and uncertainty in days; often for the first time ever. Suddenly, everything was new.

As we move out of this phase and into regrouping, refocusing and rebuilding, it is critical that leaders are performing at their optimum; it is important that they are a 10.

Many companies are going to struggle. Many people will lose their jobs. Many businesses will go under. But these challenging times will also create huge opportunity for those businesses who are open to change, flexible and adding huge value. These organisations will need high performance leaders.

In my session, I will be sharing the three core building blocks of high performance and how you can use them to be more certain, more productive and turn challenge into opportunity.

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This event is led by

Gavin Ingham

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