How healthy is your leadership team?

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 6th November 2024 | Time icon 9:30am-11:00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

Upcoming events

In this interactive session, you will discover how The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership™ can equip you and your leadership team to deal with the complex challenges that your business faces. Find out how you can use 40+ years of research on what good leadership looks like to help you build relationships, influence others and generate results.


Why attend?

This session will enable you to embody confidence, gain clarity and feel more in control.

What will be covered?

  • What effective leaders do – and what they don’t do
  • How you can increase the impact of your personal leadership skills
  • How to build a highly effective, engaged and ‘healthy’ leadership team.


  • An opportunity to understand your leadership impact by completing an LPI 360 online assessment.
  • An action plan and clear next steps.

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This event is led by

Jo Manton

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