High performance sales leadership habits

location iconLondon | location icon Tue. 1st February 2022 | Time icon 09:00am-1:00pm

This is a private meeting of the MD2MD group LNP

The objective of this session is to share some of the foundation models which are hugely impactful when creating a scalable sales function and a duplicable structure to provide consistency.

Many of our members’ businesses are successful partly because their products/services add real value but equally due to the passion and conviction of their founders and leaders. For the business to truly scale, it is essential to develop a sales team and therefore to recruit a sales manager/director and rely on them to build the team. All too often we hear that this is not as successful as the Managing Director hopes and for some reason the expectations laid on the sales leader do not match the actual results. Why does this happen? One reason is that many Sales Managers and Sales Directors originally were promoted into leadership because they were good salespeople. No one has trained them on what it takes to build and lead sales teams and many are not even able to define the process they personally used in sales. It is essential that a business provides a relevant track to run on for the sales division.

Why attend?

The session will help you to create a scalable sales model as well as develop a high achieving and supportive sales culture.

What will be covered?

All the topics covered are essential elements that together help businesses to create a sales environment for success:

  • High Performance Sales Habits
  • Tracking Activity: Critical Success Factors 
  • The Skill/Will Matrix
  • The L.A.W. (Leadership Adjustment Wheel)


  • Tools to be applied immediately for clear sales roles
  • Recommended approach to provide a track to run on for sales
  • Removal of much of the grey areas around sales management
  • Duplicable systems to help build a sales competency framework

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This event is led by

Lars Tewes

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