Google Ads Specialist Session – It’s the journey, not the destination

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 3rd July 2024 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

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Do you know how many potential customers you lose to the competition each year because your buyer journey is not as watertight as you might think it is, and what’s the commercial impact to your bottom line?

How would your bottom line change, if you improved your understanding of even just a step of the buyer journey, and therefore how and where you show up in your marketing?

Why attend?

Silvia Coletto, a paid advertising specialist for the better part of the last decade and current Head of Paid Media for a premium UK marketing agency, will share insights on good and bad practices drawn from managing over 100 clients and £20 million worth of advertising spend since 2016.

What will be covered?

From this talk, you will learn:

  • What the modern buyer journey looks like
  • How to gauge whether marketing activities will be profitable (and which once can’t be measured in money in the bank, but are still vital and should be measured nonetheless)
  • The key role of data and analytics in understanding the journey (and why they don’t always give you the full picture)
  • How can you tell if your agency/freelancer/employee has the right skills for the job

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This event is led by

Silvia Coletto

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