Enabling business growth – In person event for all members and their senior team

location iconTowcester | location icon Mon. 2nd October 2023 | Time icon 2pm - 5.30pm
location icon In-person speaker workshop

Upcoming events

This is the pilot run of a new workshop being provided as a bonus extra for MD2MD members

Who Should Attend:

Members and/or Senior Leadership Team looking to grow their business and interested in key strategies and tactics for scaling a business.

This workshop is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the strategies and tactics for scaling a business.

Attendees will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with business growth, as well as practical tools and techniques for scaling their own businesses effectively.
  • Learn how to structure their business to support, not hinder growth and how to make it happen as their business grows.
  • Learn how to develop a strong growth strategy, build a scalable team, and manage their finances effectively.
  • Leave the workshop able to build their own action plan for implementing changes and improvements in their own businesses.

Why attend?

Workshop Objectives:

  • To provide an overview of the key strategies and tactics for scaling a business
  • To explore the challenges and opportunities associated with scaling a business
  • To provide practical tools and techniques for scaling a business effectively
  • To share real-world examples of successful business scaling strategies

What will be covered?

Introduction: Why Bother?

  • How Start-ups inevitably differ from Scale-ups
  • Why growing a business requires different approaches to starting a business

Policies, Processes and Systems

  • The role of policies, processes and systems in supporting business growth.
  • Best practices for developing and implementing policies, processes and systems that support growth.
  • Tools and techniques for improving efficiency and effectiveness

Strategy and Business Model

  • The importance of strategy and the business model in supporting business growth.
  • How to develop a strong growth strategy and business model.
  • Tools and techniques for developing and implementing a successful growth strategy

Organisation Structure

  • The role of organisation structure in supporting business growth.
  • Best practices for developing and implementing an effective organisation structure that supports growth.

People & Culture

  • The importance of people and culture in supporting business growth.
  • Tools and techniques for improving communication and collaboration.
  • How to build a strong company culture that supports growth. Strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.


By the end of the workshop attendees will have:

  • A better understanding of the key strategies and tactics for scaling a business
  • Practical tools and techniques for building a scalable team, developing a growth strategy, leveraging technology, and managing finances
  • Real-world examples of successful business scaling strategies
  • An action plan for scaling your own business effectively

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This event is led by

Bob Bradley

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