Effective Business in The Age of Customer Experience

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 26th June 2024 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

Upcoming events

Following his highly successful presentation on marketing strategies in January, we are pleased to announce Grant’s return to share his knowledge further.

Do you have the secret sauce that makes your business compelling to customers?
Have you created competitive advantage that cannot be copied by others?
Are you certain that your offering resonates with what customers of today value?

Why attend?

This workshop will provide attendees with:

• An understanding of how the economy is changing and with it the perception of value.
• A new way of thinking about your business enabling you to create more compelling offerings.
• The single most important question you need to answer for effective communication.

What will be covered?

We will cover:

• The Age of Customer Experience.
– The changing economy and where we are today.
– The difference between products, services, and experiences and why it matters.
– How to ‘think’ in order to create a compelling offering.

• The Move from Companies to Ecosystems.
– The network organisation and why it matters.
– The importance of your ecosystem in value creation.
– How competition has changed and what it means.

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This event is led by

Grant Leboff

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