A BBC REPORTER’S WAFFLE FREE APPROACH TO ‘STORYTELLING’ — to help your business win new clients and retain happy staff

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 13th September 2023 | Time icon 9.30am - 11.00am

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In this 55 minute virtual workshop, John Young, a former BBC TV presenter and reporter, will reveal how TV news journalists approach ‘storytelling’.

There’ll be no concepts or theory. Instead, he’ll explain the formula journalists use to make complex or boring things interesting and compelling … often, in the space of a few hours for the lunchtime news.

So you’ll leave ready to find your own stories that very afternoon.

You may be astonished to discover how straightforward it can be. And once you’ve grasped it, you’ll find it easier to win new clients and customers, or retain the loyalty of


John will leave you with his Takeaway Toolkit — reminding you of the critical role of case studies, the power (and danger) of pictures, and the ‘flip formula’ that he’s used throughout
his entire BBC career to catch his audience’s attention.

He’ll bring his trademark energy and humour to the event, engaging you with video clips, questions, quizzes and lively debate.

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This event is led by

John Young

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