Navigating the minefields when cash is running low for you or others

location iconOnline | location icon Wed. 18th November 2020 | Time icon 8:30am-10:00am
location icon Speaker led workshop online

An insolvency practitioners perspective on leading in troubled times.   How things work … for you, and your customers, suppliers and staff …  when cash goes AWOL.   What to do when wheels start to wobble …and when one falls off.

There will be plenty of opportunities for Q&A and for follow up post the workshop if required.

Keep calm and carry on!

Why attend?

By attending this workshop you should leave with a better understanding of the various processes currently available, their pros and cons and some stories to bring it all to life, while keeping things in perspective.


·         A quick review of the different insolvency options available in E&W

·         A look at some of the C19 amendments

·         Ending on a high – the solvent liquidation

·         The tax man cometh

·         A sale is not a sale until it’s paid for – looking up and down your supply chain for weak links

·         Tales from the crypt – an insolvency practitioners insight

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This event is led by

Peter Windatt

Read more on speaker